About The Acute 10M Remedy Kit With 50 Remedies
NO SPECIFIC DOSING INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED WITH THIS KIT. Contact a professional Homeopath for individualized dosing.
This kit has 50 remedies in a 10M potency of the most common acute remedies. The acute remedy kit contains 1/2 dram of each remedy listed below in a labeled, sealed glass vials in a convenient plastic storage case.
Includes a Free helpful E-Book and Travel Dosing Guide Download!
- “About Homeopathy: Beginner’s Guide and Tips”
- “Travel Quick Dosing Guide” – 1 page for travel use
You will receive a receipt with a download link this book after your payment is processed. Check your SPAM FILTER for the link from orders (at) HomeopathicRemediesOnline (dot) com for the link to download.
Shipping: The Acute Kit is shipped from our supplier to you.
Acute Remedy Kit Contents:
The Acute Remedy Kit contains a 1/2 dram vial of pill for each the 50 remedies listed below in a 10M potency. Remedies use sucrose pills and medicating tinctures.
- Aconitum Napellus
- Allium Cepa
- Alumina
- Antimonium Tart.
- Apis
- Argentum nitricum
- Arnica
- Arsenicum album
- Belladonna
- Bryonia
- Calcarea carbonica
- Calendula
- Cantharis
- Carbo Veg.
- Causticum
- Chamomilla
- Cinch. Off (China)
- Cocculus
- Coffea Cruda
- Colocynthis
- Drosera
- Euphrasia
- Ferrum Phos
- Gelsemium
- Hepar Sulphur
- Hyoscyamus niger
- Hypericum
- Ignatia
- Ipecac
- Kali Bich
- Lachesis
- Ledum
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Magnesia Phos
- Mercurius sol.
- Natrum mur.
- Nux vomica
- Phosphorus
- Pulsatilla
- Rhus Tox
- Ruta
- Sepia
- Silicea
- Spongia
- Staphysagria
- Stramonium
- Sulphur
- Symphytum
- Thuja
- Zincum metallicum