Super Thymus 7 ml vial (Cell Life USA)



Super Thymus Dietary Supplement

Note: CellLife products should not be used on anyone with active cancer.

This product must be ordered in a set of four in order to follow the dosing protocol which requires one dose per week in most cases. For severe dysfunction of this particular body system, twice weekly doses may be required.

Contact us for more information before placing your order if you have any questions about how many to order for your self-directed dosing.  Dosing instructions are provided with this product when shipped.  This product is shipped by Federal Express and must be kept refrigerated.

It is a dietary supplement extracted from embryonic porcine thymus cells and tissues. Thymus is responsible for the following functions:

  • Strengthen, support and improve the function of the thymus gland
  • Normalize T-4 “killer cell” production
  • Improve immune function
  • Maintain thymus function in later years as the thymus gland begins to atrophy at puberty and continues throughout life
  • Enhance both general structure and function
  • Cause a soft, gentle long-term improvement in all Endodermal tissue organs
  • Promote general anti-aging of the thymus
  • Supports immunity organs and related systems

This product is non-refundable once purchased.

Homeopathic and nutritional have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.