Oscillococcinum (12 vials) (Boiron)



A homeopathic remedy used for a person with actual symptoms of influenza, also known as the flu or for flu-like symptoms.

Oscillococcinum 200CK comes in a box with 12 individual remedy vials.

Flu and flu-like symptoms:  These symptoms generally include lethargy, body aches, fatigue, fever, sore throat and/or running nose with clear or white discharge. Appetite is usually diminished and the person feels exhausted with joint aches.

The recommended dosing is to follow the instructions provided on the package.

Another dosing option is to dose as follows:

  • Dissolve 2 pills of the Oscillococcinum 200CK under the tongue for  4 – 6 doses a day   (24 hours).
  • Start dosing immediately from the onset of actual flu symptoms.
  • Continue this dosing for at least 2-3 days or until symptoms are significantly resolved.
  • For all doses, be sure keep the dosing a minimum of 15 minutes before and after food, drink and teeth brushing.
  • For medical advice or a medical diagnosis you must contact a licensed medical professional.


Additional information




6 Single Dose Vial