Gluten + Dairy Detox – 4 Combo 30C (2 dram)


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    Gluten + Dairy Detox – 4 Combo (2 dram)

    A homeopathic combination used for symptoms of  gluten and dairy intolerance or allergies.

    Contains the following in 30C:

    1. Gluten 30
    2. Triticum Vulgare – Wheat 30C
    3. Bovista 30C
    4. Lac Defloratum 30C

    Suggested Dosing:

    • Take 2 pills per dose and dose three times daily.
    • if symptoms are severe on an exposure to gluten or dairy dose, every hour to reduce symptoms
    • Continue dosing daily until the issue is resolved.

    Contains 250 pills in a 2 dram glass vial of medicated sucrose pills

    Homeopathic and nutritional products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Additional information


    30C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 200C, 1M, 10M


    1/2 dram, 2 dram vial