Fibromyalgia Program – 6 Weeks (Cell Life)
Note: CellLife products should not be used on anyone with active cancer.
All of the required CellLife products that are included in the following protocol are shipped by Federal Express in a refrigerator package.
The written dosing instructions are included in the fee and are provided with the products.
Fibromyalgia Program – 6 Weeks (Cell Life)
Week 1
Day 1 – ***Brain Total 3ml or ***Super Brain 7ml
Day 2 – Hypothalamus 3ml
Day 3 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 4 – ***Placenta 3ml or ***Super Placenta 7ml
Day 5 – Heart 3ml
Day 6 – Bone Joint Combo 7ml
Week 2
Day 1 – ***Adrenal 3ml or ***Super Adrenal 3ml
Day 2 – Pituitary 3ml
Day 3 – Thyroid 3ml
Day 4 – ***Thymus 3ml or ***Super Thymus 7ml
Day 5 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 6 – Mental Major Combo 7ml
Week 3
Day 1 – ***Brain Total 3ml or ***Super Brain 7ml
Day 2 – Hypothalamus 3ml
Day 3 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 4 – ***Placenta 3ml or ***Super Placenta 7ml
Day 5 – Heart 3ml
Day 6 – Bone Joint Combo 7m
Week 4
Day 1 – ***Adrenal 3ml or ***Super Adrenal 3ml
Day 2 – Pituitary 3ml
Day 3 – Thyroid 3ml
Day 4 – ***Thymus 3ml or ***Super Thymus 7ml
Day 5 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 6 – Mental Major Combo 7ml
**After finishing week 4 pause and rest body for 1 week then resume and finish program**
Week 5
Day 1 – ***Brain Total 3ml or ***Super Brain 7ml
Day 2 – Hypothalamus 3ml
Day 3 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 4 – ***Placenta 3ml or ***Super Placenta 7ml
Day 5 – Heart 3ml
Day 6 – Bone Joint Combo 7ml
Week 6
Day 1 – ***Adrenal 3ml or ***Super Adrenal 3ml
Day 2 – Pituitary 3ml
Day 3 – Thyroid 3ml
Day 4 – ***Thymus 3ml or ***Super Thymus 7ml
Day 5 – Spine Nerves 3ml
Day 6 – Mental Major Combo 7ml
+ 1 Silica Life Joint Health Collagen Booster
***Subject to Availability
This product is non-refundable once purchased.
Homeopathic and nutritional have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.