Banerji Protocol For Smoke Inhalation (Acute Use)



Banerji Protocol For Smoke Inhalation (Acute Use)

For paid professional Homeopath guidance with any Banerji Protocol please contact us.

  • Arnica 30C: This is the first remedy to use for the stress on the whole body due to smoke inhalation.
  • Ipeccac 30C (Ipecacuanha): For coughing that is an especially gagging cough from inhaling too much smoke or air of poor quality
  • Arnica 30 and Ipecac 30 can be alternated within minutes of each other, as necessary until normal breathing is restored.
  • This above combination may be needed for extended periods of time until the condition is resolved.
  • Euphrasia 30C is a best choice when the eyes stream and burn due to smoke inhalation.
  • Carbo Veg 30C is indicated if you feel as though there  isn’t enough oxygen getting into the lungs and you have “air hunger”.
  • You may use all the remedies at the same time and rotate them as long as you keep 30 minutes between doses.
  • All doses are with 2 pills dry dissolved on the tongue as long as any of the symptoms are present.
  • This order contains 1 vial (80 pills per vial – Boiron) to have enough for at least 1 month of dosing.

Dosing Reminders

  • Keep all doses of all remedies 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing and from each other.
  • If there are no marked improvements, contact a professional Homeopath for guidance.

Homeopathic and nutritional products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

We recommend that no more than four (4) Banerji Protocols be combined at one time for a single person.

The dosing instructions to follow are provided in this product description. No additional dosing instructions are mailed with the product order. Please save the dosing instructions from this page once your order is placed.