Baby and Children’s Homeopathic Remedies
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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Babies and Children
- Aconite
Used for fright including after a stress birth, crying, fearfulness; ear infections, lack of stool after birth; nightmares, pains violent, burning with sensitivity to touch, chill from cold wind or weather change, pain after midnight, high fever, restless thirsty and hot. - Aethusa cynapium –
Used for projectile vomiting. - Argentum nitricum
Used for the anxiousness, frighten baby. - Arnica
Used for birthing trauma, for both baby and Mother and given immediately after birth. - Belladonna
Used for right-sided ear infections, sudden onset of great pain, red ears, restless and agitated. Aggravation time either at 3 p.m. or 3 a.m. - Borax
Used for oral thrush, jumpy and nervous babies. - Calcarea carbonica
Used for the chubby and flabby babies, always wanting to nurse, who sweat easily especially on forehead and in the hair, and who have tend to have nightmares or fear at night. Also an important teething remedy. - Calcarea phosphorica
Used for irritable, hard to please and sluggish babies. Don’t gain weight well, thin and pale. Difficult teething that is prolonged. - Carbo Vegetabilis
Used for babies with a low Apgar score, if baby needs breathing support or extra oxygen is needed. - Chamomilla
Used for the colicky baby, teething remedy, mainly right sided ear infections, baby wants to be carried, very contrary, screaming loudly, red face. - Calendula
Used for any cut or open wound to prevent infection without antibiotics. - Cantharis
Use for a burn, even second degree burns including sunburn. - Graphites
Used for the inflammation of the eyelid, yellow crusts that stick the eyelashes together in the morning. - Ferrum Phosphoricum
Used for ear infections with a high temperature, not agitated behavior. - Lycopodium
Used for serious, irritable and clingy babies. Crabby on waking or after a nap, kicks and screams. Digestive trouble, gassiness. - Nux vomica
Used for constipation. - Pulsatilla
Used for clinging, fussy babies, ear infections on right side especially, no thirst. - Rheum
Use for a baby that is pale and colicky; sour smell to the baby’s sweat and stools. - Stramonium
Used for babies with trauma; experiencing night terrors, wakes screaming. Can be clingy, frightened and restless. Fears of the dark, water, animals, dogs and/or strangers.