Industrial Chemicals Detox – 22 Combo (2 dram)



A homeopathic clearing remedy for varsious Industrial Chemicals

Used to clear the following industrial chemical exposures:

  1. Butoxy ethanol
  2. Benzene
  3. Bacillus thur kurstak
  4. Dioxin
  5. Etridiozol xylene
  6. Hydrepoxy
  7. Hydrepoxy 3200
  8. Methyl 2,3,4
  9. Ortho Diclo Benzene
  10. Paint stripper PS, Paint stripper kS, Paint  stripper  RS
  11. PCB Polychlorinated biphenol
  12. Petro UL 98 octane
  13. Petro UL 91 octane
  14. Poly vinyl chloride
  15. Rodamine B acetic acid
  16. Thinners
  17. Toluene
  18. Universal pain thinner
  19. Xylene
  20. Xylene 100 thinners
  21. White Spirits
  22. Universal pain thinner

Contains 250+ in a 2 dram of medicated sucrose pills in a glass vial.